Generally, to make a guy attracted to you is really not as difficult as we think it is. It just happens naturally. If you dress well, put a smile on your face, and walk confidently, 9 times out of 10, you will win a guy’s attention.

But winning a guy’s attention and getting him interested in you for a while is not the goal. Rather, keeping a guy interested in you for as long as you want is where the crown lies.

To keep your guy genuinely interested in you and make him never want to leave you is the desire of every girl and those who successfully achieve this don’t do it by mistake.

It is something you consciously make create. There are many ways to go about this. As a girl who wants to keep her guy, texting is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal, because everybody is texting.

To be honest, what it generally takes to keep a man is exactly the same thing it takes to keep him through text. The same impression you would like to create if you were physical with him is exactly the impression you are expected to create while texting.


Here’s How To Use Texting Effectively!

In our world today, texting is one of the most common and most effective means of communication. Its high convenience and efficiency have made this possible. But the efficacy of texting is embedded in its usage.

As much as you can feature so many informal abbreviations and emojis while texting a very close friend, it will be unwise to use those same characters while texting your boss or an office.

In the case of a guy whose heart you want to seize, it is still highly recommended that you choose your words so as to create the best impressions and send the right messages.

You do not want to sound too serious and look rude, neither do you want to joke with everything and look dumb. Impressing your man to a point of him getting obsessed with you is a learnable skill and you must acquire it.

In order to captivate the heart of your desired guy, there are certain DOs and DON’Ts you should observe.


Here Are The Tips To Make Him Obsessed With You (DOs)


  1. Compliment Him: No one needs an explanation of why compliments work so effectively. Everyone obviously likes to hear good things about themselves. Just as orally telling someone that their hairstyle is beautiful makes them happy, texting this same information makes them happy too. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new guy you met or an old friend who’s just picking interest in you. compliments are just too powerful and work all the time. You can also misuse compliments.If you use them too often that it becomes unreal and a disturbance. that is, when you compliment every shoe, every cap, every outfit, even complimenting the same shoe over and over again without creativity, this will produce just the opposite of any result you intended for it.
  2. Be Humorous: Once you have the ability to make people laugh, they automatically want to stay around you. At least, for their happiness’ sake. You may want to think… “, I’m not that funny” but don’t worry, that’s almost not a problem. You don’t necessarily have to be funny to stir up the humour in people. Sending him a meme, a funny sticker or a funny GIF does the work. Creatively playing on words does it too. You could even tease him and later end it with a compliment and that’s beautiful enough to impress someone.For example, telling a guy… “I don’t like your outfit today” he may curiously ask “what’s wrong with it?” Then this comes “you looked so gorgeous in it that I feared, I could not help but feel lucky”. Now, things like this make you even more attractive.
  3. Have A Life Outside Texting Him: It should not be new to you that guys don’t want to feel responsible for a girl’s life. If you’re not with him, you’re either texting him or calling him and if there’s absolutely nothing you’re doing, you’re probably staring at your screen waiting for him to reply to your message. That’s stupid and disturbing. You don’t want to create an impression that nothing was happening in your life before you met him. So, live your life normally. Hang out with friends when you have to, take your sleep when it’s time, accept and attend invitations, go for work out… Just be alive.This gives him the impression that he’s with an interesting girl who has a lot going on around her. This lifestyle helps you chat with him even livelier because whenever questions like “How was your day” comes, you’ll have more than enough information to give him.

    And whenever you chat with him, he values every minute because a “busy girl” has made out time to be with him, who would not love to be with such an interesting girl?

  4. Reciprocate His Language: Unless you do not like the guy, this particular hack of reciprocating his language works very well. Watch closely how he uses words, he may be one of those people who use informal abbreviations so much, or he may be one of those who are too official. There is a language between these two extremes, he may still be there. Pay close attention to his language and reciprocate it. If he’s too informal and you’re too formal, it may seem intimidating to him. And if he’s too formal and you’re too informal, you may look dumb to him.Therefore, choose your words and your language wisely. You should be creative with everything you apply so that it achieves exactly the aim for which it was used.
  5. Be Positive: Being positive in the text is very easy if you are a positive person already. You should not be that girl who complains in ninety per cent of the texts he sends. If it’s not about her family, then it’s work or her phone or a neighbour. Spreading negative energy and being unattractive. You should treat your man exactly the way you expect him to treat you. That’s the highest form of positivity unless you like being treated badly.Call him to check on him, be concerned about his health, show him that you love him, and care about him even if you don’t tell him that. After all, actions speak louder than words.
  6. Use Questions: People like to talk about themselves, everybody! This is one of the reasons why questions really work. Use questions to know him more, use questions to get him to talk about himself, his likes and dislikes, his hobbies, his priorities, etc. People generally tend to like people who they believe care about them too. therefore, when you ask him questions, sensible questions that’ll get him to talk about himself, you create compatibility between you both.Not all questions work anyway, you should be selective with questions too, because some questions just do nothing, while some are too sensitive for someone you just met and some may be too deep depending on his personal standards.

    Questions like “what’s up?” And “How about you?” Are just as useless as not sending them at all. There are millions of creative ways you can check on him through text, “how about you?” And “what’s up?” do it worst.

    Look for creative and romantic questions and use them. For example: if you want to know his best meal, questions like “what’s your best meal?” and “if I invited you to my house, what meal would you like me to prepare for you?” are both aimed at the same thing, but they do the work differently. Again, instead of asking him “Have you eaten this morning?”

    Which will return with a yes or no reply, questions like “what did you have for breakfast?” Does it better because it introduces a whole conversation.

    Keep in mind that as much as the wrong questions can create very bad impressions, the right ones are a blessing to use. So, when it comes to questions, do it creatively and selectively.

  7. Know Him As Well As You Can: /strong> If you want to keep someone, then you want to be compatible with him, and if you want to be compatible with someone, you probably want to know what similarities you share with him.When it comes to knowing things about this guy, every piece of information matters. Ranging from his philosophy of life to his take on religion, relationships, his hobbies, his favourite medieval movie, his best Shakespearean character (that is if he reads Shakespeare). Etc.Every single piece of information about him counts because the more you share in common, the more interesting it is to stay together.


Ways to really know your man through text:

  1. Questions: Questioning your man about himself is obviously the best way to gather up information about him, but this must be done very wisely as the wrong questions can ruin your relationship.
  2. Paying close attention to his texts: By merely listening to someone speak multiple times, you can tell a whole lot about him if you paid attention to details. The same applies when you’re trying to know someone over texts without questioning them. If you pay attention to the names he mentions, the language he uses, the illustrations he gives, and the people he quotes, you can undeniably give a bunch of information about him. Although there are many more ways through which you can know your man, let’s settle with these two.


If you carefully implement these seven (7) DOs, be assured that he is already yearning for you.




Just as you want to carefully implement the DOs in your relationship, believe me, you also want to carefully implement the DON’Ts because no matter how badly obsessed a guy is with you, some wrong moves can make him back off.

  • Don’t be obsessed with him:

To keep this particular rule, you ought to be canny because it is not difficult to get yourself obsessed with someone you like. There are so many reasons why you shouldn’t let yourself be obsessed with that guy. One of them is that obsession will make you do stupid things that will yield no results and put you at the risk of losing your man.

Sitting down, staring at your phone, and waiting for his response is an obvious representation of your obsession. Chatting with him for most hours of the day and accepting every one of his suggestions are also proves of your obsession. Just so you know, if a man feels like you’re obsessed over him, he automatically thinks less of you since he can get you at the snap of his fingers.

The best way to avoid this temptation of getting addicted to him is by being busy. Living your normal life, going to work when you should, sleeping when you should, going for a workout, hanging with friends, and chatting with other people … Etc. This is the impression you want to create, the impression that a girl has life even before a guy came into her life.


  • Don’t play “too hard”:

Just as much as you do not want to look too cheap, looking too hard doesn’t do the work either. It irritates guys and paints you “impossible”. It should not be your desire to scare away every guy who picks interest in you. So, why portray yourself as “too difficult”? This does more harm to you than good as it tags you as rude and arrogant. Feel free to talk with someone who’s getting to know you, feel free to make new friends.


  • Don’t bug him with messages:

This also is one of those clear signs of obsession.  There is this serious temptation to text him on every single thing that happens in your life but please, do not! What do you expect to arouse in him by telling him that “you just drank water now” without being asked? You see, It’s just so useless and disturbing. How do you feel when a particular person sends you 6 to 7 messages back to back without you having replied to anyone? That’s very disturbing too. So, don’t do it.  Men do not want to feel disturbed, they do not want to feel responsible for your life. Therefore, in order to keep him seeing you as that gorgeous and attractive girl whom he wants to be with, you must avoid making him feel bugged.


  • Avoid being unreal:

This is also one of the biggest mistakes women make in trying to keep a man. They present themselves as who they’re not and claim to possess things they can only wish to have, just to look like that “classy” type of girl. But this doesn’t work! It doesn’t work because, you are making the guy not like you, but the person you’re portraying yourself to be. And 90% of the time, this relationship will crash. Be who you are, maybe he doesn’t want “classy”, maybe he wants you.

You should be confident enough in yourself because the problem of being unreal is a problem of esteem. This happens when you begin to think that you’re not beautiful enough or you’re not tall enough or you’re not sound enough…etc. just be real, be confident.


  • Do not force the relationship:

Everybody goes into a relationship with expectations, and when the relationship is not going as expected, what do you do? Never ever force it! There are lots of reasons why you may want to do so but please, do not! If you have to tell a guy how to treat you, then, he probably doesn’t like you. If a guy doesn’t treat you as well as you think he should, you may want to fix something about yourself or forget about everything and move on, but, forcing the relationship is the worst resort. He may not pull out when you do this, but believe me, he will not treat you better either.


We have discussed how to make a new guy freak for you, but how about someone who has given you a chance in the past? How about someone who you messed up the opportunity they gave?

Yes, you can also regain their attention and make them obsessed with you. Here are some feasible ways to help you do that.

  • Give him space:

When someone begins to feel like they don’t want to be around you any longer, one of the first actions they take is to pull back. They don’t text as often, they don’t call at all, they don’t care again. When things like this begin to happen, it is a clear sign that they have lost interest in you. In such situations, the best first move is to leave them to their world. Give them a lot of space. It is not guaranteed that giving him space will reignite the fire you both once shared but, it sure will help you a lot.


  • Work on yourself:

This must happen during the “give him space” period so as to be effective. If you are still pressing him and start this process, no matter how much you improve, it won’t be noticed neither will it be appreciated. If you give a man enough space, you are giving him the opportunity to miss you and any improvement you make in your life will be sheerly appreciated.

Your aim is to get into his head again so you should try to improve in those areas that attract him. Be lively and active, invest in knowledge and beauty, and be productive. All these things will make you attractive to him again.


  • Do not talk about the relationship:

This could be really tempting but please, do not. Of everything you want to talk about with this guy, please leave the relationship you both shared out of it. Nothing good will ever come out of that. You will end up either pushing him backwards or pushing yourself backwards. Remember this is a guy whose heart you want to win back to yourself. You may be tempted to talk about the relationship once you’ve gotten him to laugh and spend good times with you, but still don’t. He may think to himself that you were once this sweet until there was a relationship between you and it ended badly; so, he may decline and run further away due to the fear of what has happened in the past. Although enough emphasis has been laid on this, you may still want to try. But, please do not!


  • Compliment him.

You may not get to talk with him personally or even chat with him but you could always single him out in a group photo with compliments. “The guy on the blue shirt is really cool” this does a lot. It sends a message that he is still attractive to you. Don’t forget, people generally tend to like people who like them.

As long as you give him enough space, work on yourself, not talk about the relationship, your compliments will always make impacts on him. He may start considering going back to the girl who makes him feel beautiful and loved.



Texting is just one of the tools with which you can get a man obsessed about you, not all you need to do that. But, in a world like ours today where social media covers almost the world population, texting is really powerful and you should manipulate it for the good of your relationship.

Note that everything you’re doing through text is just trying to let him know that you care about him and you love him. It is now one of the easiest ways to get a guy obsessed with you because most people spend more time with their mobile phones. It is a wise decision for you back up your physical actions through texts that work, following the things listed here.

The Girls Get Guys Team

A team of writers aimed at helping females from all around the world gets the exact men they wanted in their lives... We have successfully guided thousands and thousands of women to very successful love lives & yours shouldn't be an exception!

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