How To Make A Man Fall In Love With You With Psychology

Getting that special man’s attention can be daunting and often we try to learn ways on how to make a man fall in love with you with psychology. The trick is to get make him aware of how you are the perfect match for him. The big question now is how do you achieve this?

One place where we can find the answer to this is psychology. Psychology is the study of the human mind and its functions especially as pertaining to behavior. It also includes the study of feelings, emotions, and thoughts. This essentially means psychology can be leveraged to read into the mind of a man and make him fall in love with you.

To borrow from the words of author Todd B. Kashdan who doubles as a scientist and psychologist; Love is about an expansion of the self whereby another person’s interests, values, social network, and finances become part of your life just as you share your resources with them. Love does not mean that you give up everything for another person. Rather, you possess sufficient trust to give them the keys to everything that you can access.

Certainly, finding the perfect man can throw up many beautiful feelings as a lady. And him being the man of your dreams, you want him by your side almost instantaneously. This makes you want to do whatever it takes for him to look in your direction, be attracted to you, and eventually fall in love with you. But as the saying goes, “if wishes were horses, beggars would ride” he’s just out of your reach.

In this article, I will be discussing how to make a man fall in love with you with psychology. Some of the tips shared here can help you get into the hearts of the man you desire with a little help from science.

How to Make a Man Fall in Love with You with Psychology

As earlier stated, ladies can learn a few tips and tricks from psychology by applying its facts to how they go about attracting the man they want. No doubt, love is a powerful emotional feeling that on several occasions can have similar effects as addictive medications. Be that as it may, keeping a sense of reality and responsibility can help a woman navigate through the multitude of emotions.

Falling in love is one of our human traits and we all clamor for it at some point in time. As a lady, we often feel the need to fall in love with a man just to brighten our lives and motivate us. The reality is that we often can’t make a man do or feel emotional attachment if he does not want to. To help with this, I will share with you ways on how to make a man fall in love with you with psychology.

For these psychological tips to work, it requires the man to actually make decisions himself, as we are not talking of hypnosis here. Should a man not feel the need to be emotionally attached to you as a lady, then you must also prepare your mind for this eventuality. If not, you will end up chasing an unattainable affection. What we can do as ladies is to provide that little extra push that men need to take the bold step. This time around, it will feel natural without you requiring forcing anything.

Don’t Be Desperate

“At the bottom of philosophy something very true and very desperate whispers: Everyone is hungry all the time. Everyone is starving. And everyone wants so much, much more than they can stomach, but the appetite doesn’t converse much with the stomach. Everyone is hungry and not only for food – for comfort and love and excitement and the opposite of being alone. Almost everything awful anyone does is to get those things and keep them.”
― Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two

Rule number one in my book as a lady is never to appear desperate when trying to get the attention of a man. Regardless of how “crazy” you feel about the man, maintain coolness and relax. Getting a man to fall in love with you shouldn’t feel like your life depends extremely on it.

One way to prevent coming on as desperate is to continue your normal day-to-day activities. Ensure that you keep up appearance with your friends, work, hobbies, and activities. It’s always a good practice to always maintain normalcy while in your pursuit of your dream man.

While creating and building a relationship with the man of your dreams is important, coming off as desperate is a turn-off for any man. If you don’t, you will end up making all your efforts in getting his attention futile. So, whatever you do, try as much to avoid being perceived as desperate.

Make Eye Contact

Eye contact and a smile are all it takes! Three to four seconds of eye contact, plus a smile and you are golden. Most guys like to hedge their bets of being shot down, and those nonverbal cues let him know the odds are in his favor,” – DeAlto

Several types of research have shown that eye contact is one of the most effective body language methods to use in attracting attention. And ladies sure do know how to speak with the eyes. In your quest on how to make a man fall in love with you with psychology, you can always rely on this fact to aid in your quest.

Simply let the eyes do the talking for you. Make regular eye contact and don’t shy away from it when you have the opportunity to. Making eye contact with the man helps him eliminate most of the doubts he has about how you feel for him. And in return, it builds his confidence and he feels he can connect with you more easily.

Don’t Smother Him

“Love should not cause suffocation and death if it is true love. Don’t bundle someone into an uncomfortable cage just because you want to ensure their safety in your life. The bird knows where it belongs, and will never fly to a wrong nest.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson

Love is powerful and during the enthusiasm, we can easily get carried away. It’s just one of the great effects of love and we often are quick to want to claim that which is ours. A one-off or seldom possessive action can be tolerated but being clingy could send the wrong signals.

It’s ok to want to spend time with the man you are trying to get. At least we know that if you don’t, how else will you possibly gain his attention. In that moment of general weakness, it’s good to always remember that everyone needs some time alone. As much as you want your guy, always remember that everyone including the man you want also desires freedom.

Giving a guy freedom ensures that he can express himself freely whenever he wants. It shows you like a mature lady that can allow the guy she wants to make decisions pertaining to him. With this, any man is sure of wanting to stay with you. Being too possessive is considered by many as unattractive and an extremely toxic trait capable of harming you and the man you so much desire.

While you might consider possessiveness as a tool to help you shield your potential man from other ladies, in the end, you are most likely to fail in that regard. Leaving room for freedom of expression allows the man ample opportunity to decide what works best for him as an individual. Also, appearing overtly possessive sends a message that you are emotionally immature and hence your quest on how to make a man fall in love with you will fail woefully.

Let Him Come To You

“Without putting in some effort, everything that you do will just be some futile thing, my dear. And the truth is that there is some satisfaction when you figure out that your effort worked out.” -Unknown

I will always lay emphasis on this as a matter how deeply you feel for this guy, no matter how much you want him and no matter how far you are willing to go to get him, it’s always best to allow him to come to you.

Making a man work his way into becoming yours ensures that you maintain a certain level of dignity in the resulting relationship. It also helps build respect which is a vital ingredient in growing the relation when you eventually get him to fall with you. Also, psychology has shown that men often like to feel like they initiated the first move in starting the relationship. This feeds their ego as men and he’ll be delighted and even fall more in love with you.

For clarity, constantly running after a man while he goes about his daily activities will only create a desperate persona for you. To avoid a situation like this, it’s best to allow the man to put in the necessary effort to get to you. This will mean you keeping your display of affection to a moderate level. It will also require you to intentionally make yourself scarce so as to add a bit of intensity to him working his way into your heart steadily.

This includes you allowing him to make advances towards you. This means you will initiate the process of grabbing his attention, and then deliberately making him work the extra to win you over. The key to using this tactic is to find a balance between availability and just being snobbish. While many men may enjoy the thrill of having to chase after a lady, men are also quick to lose interest if you overdo it.

Be Different

“I want to say when I was little, like Maleficent, I was told I was different. And I felt out of place and too loud, too full of fire, never good at sitting still, never good at fitting in.  And then one day I realized something – something I hope you all realize. Different is good. When someone tells you that you are different, smile and hold your head up and be proud.”

– Angelina Jolie

Many consider diversity and difference as the essence of life and this is also applicable to starting a relationship. Without sounding stereotypical, men become bored of having the same trait or character from the women they date. And if you want to impress the man you want to the stage of him falling in love with you, then you have to be different.

Thankfully, being different does not require hard work on your part as being yourself is one simple way to stand out. If you love things a certain way, never be shy of telling him about it. The difference you portray might just be the necessary input for him to fall heads over heels in love with you.

Another way of being different is showcasing a high level of intelligence and while it appears that almost every guy likes an attractive woman, many would pick an intelligent lady. This means most men like a woman with the ability to interest them in different areas of life. If you wondering why this is, it’s mainly because men want to be regaled with a certain level of intelligence.

This basically creates a chance for you to make your ideal man fall in love with you. Simply put your intelligence to good use and try to talk about various topics with him to showcase your intelligence. Starting a relationship shouldn’t be about your looks as a woman alone. If you intend to grab your dream guy’s attention and make him fall in love with you, have intelligent conversations with him regularly.

Be Adorable

“The most adorable smiles can hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes might have cried a lot of tears. The kindest hearts may have gone through the most painful experience in life.”

– Anonymous

You don’t want to come off to a man as a mean villain and if we’ve learned anything from psychology is that every human is capable of sweetness. The truth is if you so wish to start a relationship with a man, you can’t just downplay being adorable. In fact, a man won’t approach you if you always appear hostile, mean, and stone-faced. If as a lady you happen to have any of the above, find a way to turn them off and incorporate adorable traits. If anything, pick a cue from the saying “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar”.

Psychologically, men are generally attracted to ladies with a good sense of humor as this can make them feel good about themselves. But it shouldn’t just be you doing all the smiling and laughing alone. As much as you are trying not to be scared of laughing, regale him with your own enjoyable stories and make him laugh too.

A caveat with smiling is that there is a fine line between smiling genuinely or just laughing like an insane fellow. So always keep it moderate and never go overboard with it. Keep in mind that being a comedian can actually have its drawback as you potentially appear unserious most of the time. And we don’t want this!


Faking your way through life is believing that if you let people know the real you, they won’t like you. The tapes that play in your head say that if people really knew what was going on inside you, they would lose respect for you. While you play those roles, juggling those masks you have to wear and hiding your pain … the pressure increases to keep pretending you have it all together.”

– ‘The Fully Lived Life’ written by clinical psychologist Merry Lin

All the psychological tips shared here will not work if for whatever reason you stop being yourself. For that singular reason, you don’t want to hide or pretend to be what you are not the man you want to start a relationship with. You want this man to fall in love with the real you and not some make-believe you’ve created just to impress him.

I can’t stress this point enough that one of the most important steps on how to make a man fall in love with you is to act your natural self at all times. Staying true to your personality and character when trying to make a man fall in love will help you avoid unpleasant situations. An adverse effect of pretending to be someone else is that it sends a clear message that you are not comfortable with yourself. This automatically becomes a turnoff for most men since they can easily notice this shortcoming of yours and quickly become disinterested.

Also, pretending to have a different personality takes a lot of time and conscious effort to keep up. This effectively means you might be able to keep up the charade for a couple of weeks or months. If you are good at it, you might extend it into a year or more but eventually, you’ll grow tired of hiding your true personality. Also, chances are your man will get bored of trying to figure out who you really are, what you like, and most especially when you are being sincere.


Getting a man to fall in love with you can appear to be a tasking duty, but thanks to psychology, it is much easier. Certainly, these psychological tips are by no means exclusive, and the more you learn about them, the less tedious the task becomes.

If you’ve diligently read through this piece from start to finish, I’m sure you would have picked up one or two things about how to make a man fall in love with you with psychology. At the end of the day, it comes down to you being real, natural, adorable, charming, and intelligent. Also, it’s important to always remember to stay away from any tricks such as dishonesty or lying if you wish to be a reliable partner to your man.

Getting the attention of a man is the easy part of starting a relationship. The real task comes from keeping that relationship alive and not hitting the rocks.  Many factors mostly unforeseen come into play when we finally have the man we so much desire. And at the end of the day, possessing great qualities that are scarce to find in other ladies might just be the key to you making your man happy and satisfied.

Simply ensure that you remain a good and kind fellow, and the man of your dreams will fall head over heels in love with you.

Frances Umeh

Frances is a Relationship and Lifestyle Blogger focused on helping you build a Stronger Relationship.

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