How To Get A Taurus Man To Like You (15 Tips That Always Work Like Magic!)

how to make a taurus man to like you

Attracting any man can be a long and arduous task, but if you know what he likes and what to look out for, then half of your work is already completed for you.

One of the first steps to attracting any man is to find out the type of person that he is so that you can use that to figure out behaviors that he likes and then turn the more favorable parts of yourself to him.

One of these helpful things to know about the man that you like is his zodiac sign. There are some particular signs that you can learn about just by knowing his zodiac sign, like some things that he likes in his partners as well as what he’s likely to like in a woman.

This is why you need to know his star sign. Do your best to find out without being creepy. Now, you have found out that your crush is a Taurus, you should understand that while these men can be hard to figure out, they are not impossible to tame.

As you have probably noticed, he is the strong, silent type of person who is fiercely loyal and trustworthy. He can also be slow to catch on and this means you will probably have to ask him out on your own.

Never fear though, before you have to resort to that, the tips in this article will go a long way towards helping you attract the attention of your Taurus crush.


You Have To Know What Every Taurus Man Is Attracted To In Women (We Listed Them Below!)

Taurus men are very physical beings so your Taurus crush will be most attracted to physical beauty, sweet smells, and touch. He loves the simple things and the physicality of things.

However, that is not all as Taurus men also value confidence, serenity, and honesty in women, among other things. So, below you will find a shortlist of the things that every Taurus man is attracted to in women so that you can begin to cultivate these ideal features in yourself.

Even if you don’t end up getting the man, some of these ideal features will work for you in other areas of your life or with other men in the future.

1. Confidence!

All men are attracted to confidence in a woman. But if you want to attract a Taurus man, it is important to be confident and to know your own worth.

You should be able to walk into a room and command attention. Of course, confidence does not equal arrogance so you must know where to draw the line!


2. Pay Attention To Your Looks!

Taurus men are physical men who are more attracted to the things that they can see, touch and feel. The best thing you can do to attract a Taurus man is to focus on how you look.

Ensure that your clothes are beautiful, well laid, and not wrinkled. You don’t have to show lots of skin to attract a Taurus man. All you need to do is to ensure that you look amazing while oozing class and elegance.


3. Loyalty!

Taurus men are the most loyal among the zodiac signs so they expect the same from their partners. He will appreciate the fact that he can count on you during his times of need.

You will also become an indispensable part of his life. The best way to ruin a relationship with a Taurus man is by giving him a reason to doubt your loyalty.


4. Stability!

Taurus males are very pragmatic so giving him the impression that you are a stable and organized person will endear you to him.

If you have made up your mind about the path you want to go in life, then you will find that your Taurus male will be the most supportive partner you can find.


5. Honesty!

The most prized attribute by a Taurus male is honesty. He appreciates having a partner he can depend on to tell him the truth at all times. Once you have broken his trust, it will be very hard to regain his trust.

Now that you know what every Taurus man likes and wants in a woman, let me now walk you guys through the 15 things you can do to make him fall for you!


Here Are The 15 Things You Can Do To Get Any Taurus Man! (These Work All The Time!)

Taurus men are a rare bunch as they are one of the most loyal zodiac signs out there. If you’ve developed a crush on a Taurus man, then you should know that your mind is directing you to the right path and is correctly looking out for you.

Taurus men can be slow to action, including romantic situations, but when they finally get the hint, they can be possessive, lusty, jealous, and passionate. Some examples of Taurus men are David Beckham, Channing Tatum, The Rock, and Robert Pattinson.

Taurus men are romantic men who love to give romantic gifts to their partners, including cheesy things like chocolates and flowers. They also love to be on the receiving side so you should take note of that.

These men are composed, peaceful, patient, masculine, and extremely loyal. These qualities make it so that the Taurus man is one of the best choices you can make for a romantic partner.

You should know, though, that getting his attention will not be a piece of cake as Taurus men can be slow-witted sometimes, especially in situations like this.

You will have to push him without being overbearing and gently steer him in the direction that he should go. However, once he has caught on and decided that he wants to pursue a romantic relationship with you, then this is a relationship that you will enjoy very much.

He will be gentle and considerate with you and the relationship between you two will deepen so much that you will become best friends and confidants.

With all that said, let’s get into those 15 tips.


1. Be Sensual!

Taurus males highly value physical intimacy as he is known for his attraction to physicality and his affinity for sensual enjoyment. Your Taurus male will appreciate you being open to trying new things in the bedroom.

If you enjoy physical touch, then a relationship with a Taurus male will be perfect for you. Even out of the bedroom, give each other massages and lightly touch his arm or other parts of his body. Doing this will endear you to him.


2. Be Yourself!

No man likes artificiality, especially a Taurus male. When going into a relationship with a Taurus male, it is incredibly important to show your real self. Insincerity will drive your Taurus male out of your life faster than you can imagine.

What’s more? It will be incredibly hard to regain his attention and trust. So, it is important to note when starting out to win his affection that you should be yourself.


3. Be Honest!

If your Taurus male is not interested, then there is very little you can do to sway him. But being honest will get you into his good books as he is trustworthy and will expect the same sentiment from you.

Even if it is something that is not particularly pleasant, it is best to let it out to the Taurus man. He will appreciate you more for being honest about it.

Don’t pretend that you like activity when you don’t because he will withdraw from you when he realizes that you’re not being honest.


4. Be Feminine!

If you like to box in your spare time, you should consider replacing it with something more feminine or not mention it to your Taurus male. He loves feminity in his women so don’t be afraid to show off your pink clothes or the new jewelry you just bought.

If this is not your strong point, then try to dial up your feminity by wearing figure-hugging dresses, using the occasional lipstick, and putting extra thought into styling your hair so you look more feminine.

Be careful not to show off too much skin though as Taurus men don’t like their women showing off too much skin. Save that for when you’re alone together.


5. It’s Alright To Make The First Move!

Taurus men can be a bit slow when it comes to love and relationships. So, if you are going to get any results and quickly at that, you have to initiate the first move with him.

If you finally win him, he will not immediately make a move as Taurus men tens to withdraw when they realize that they are most attracted to.

He may seem too stuck up and intimidating but the chances are high that he is bubbling with feelings on the inside. Take a chance and ask him out. Go further by initiating the first kiss after your date. You’ll both appreciate your forwardness.


6. Be Patient!

You cannot expect a Taurus male to jump straight into a relationship like he does his career. He will want to take his time to figure out his feelings and be sure about what is going on before he fully commits.

You will have to prepare for how long it will take him to work through his feelings for you. Remain patient while he works through his feelings and use other tricks to keep him by your side while you wait for him.

It is incredibly important to not rush him into anything as Taurus males hate being rushed into anything. Trying to rush him into making any important decisions may push him further away from you and cause you to lose all the progress you have made.


7. Don’t Put Pressure On Him To Go Out To Events!

Going out to a fancy restaurant or to dinner may sound like the perfect date for you, but it will not sound the same to your partner. When planning a date night, keep in mind that your Taurus male is a homebody and would rather have an intimate night in watching movies than going out to a fancy restaurant.

There are so many things you can do together while staying in, like watching movies or cooking together. These indoor activities can even help you two bond better and develop a stronger relationship.

If you absolutely have to go out, then pick somewhere where you both will feel comfortable like a cinema or a cozy coffee shop.


8. Monogamy Is Incredibly Important!

If you’re polyamorous, the Taurus male is not for you as monogamy is extremely important to him. Tauruses are one of the most unlikely cheaters among all zodiac signs so if you do cheat on him, the chances of forgiveness are extremely low.

When you first start seriously talking to a Taurus male, he will abandon all his other partners and focus on you. He will also expect you to do the same so if you are seriously interested in pursuing a serious relationship with a Taurus male, then you will need to do the same.

You should know though, that a Taurus male will never agree to an open relationship or a non-monogamous relationship. They get jealous and territorial if they notice you giving too much attention to another man.


9. Show Him That You Care!

Do the little things for him that you know he will appreciate. Call to ask him about his day, make meals for him, and generally try to make his life that much easier.

Your little gestures will find their way into his heart and make you more endearing to him. Again, the Taurus male appreciates honesty and thoughtfulness so he will cherish your small gestures.


10. Remain Composed Even In Difficult Situations!

Taurus men love determined women above all other women. Share details of your life with him, especially those parts where you need to work on challenging projects that you excelled at.

Also, you should try to remain calm even in situations when you want to scream, because your Taurus male will not appreciate you being out of sorts.


11. Be Confident!

Confidence is one of the traits that Taurus males appreciate in women. You must be confident in who you are and exude an inner strength that your man will admire in you.

If you are a woman who is confident in your looks, then you will hold the Taurus man spellbound and he will not be able to resist you.

On the other hand, if confidence is something you struggle with, then this is something you need to work on. Read some books and do things that will help you feel better and cultivate your confidence.


12. Work On His Senses!

The Taurus male is sensitive to the five senses: touch, smell, sight, taste, and sounds. Invest in great smelling perfume to grab his attention. Take every opportunity to touch him, lightly placing your hand on his arm.

Dress impeccably every time and cook meals for him often. Bombard his senses with great experiences and he won’t be able to get you out of his mind.


13. Don’t Break His Trust!

The Taurus male is extremely untrustworthy. The chances are high that he has had his heartbroken by a love interest sometime in the past so he will be particularly sensitive to acts of untrustworthiness.

Don’t play with his feelings or share private information with the rest of the world. He most likely won’t forgive you.


14. Don’t Over-Compliment Him!

Taurus males value honesty above all things as well as sincerity. If you want to pay him a compliment, don’t go overboard with it.

He will know that you are overdoing it and will not trust the things that you say in the future. Doing this will also cause him to question your sincerity.

If you do this too many times, he will start to doubt the things that you say, question your honesty and start pulling back from you.


15. Invest In Your Looks!

Taurus men really appreciate it when you invest in your looks. These men love a beautiful looking woman, even though you don’t have to be a supermodel to attract their attention.

Paying attention to your looks will be appreciated by the Taurus male because he loves everything feminine about you. Invest in beautiful and well-tailored clothes to impress him.

Buy makeup to improve your look and invest in sweet-smelling perfume that will win him over to you. Beauty is one of the most important things that a Taurus male cherishes so if you want to immediately grab his attention.

Taurus men love the things we have shared above in their women so if you use these tips, then you will be on your way to getting yourself a man who will love you and protect you unconditionally for the time you are together.

Taurus men are possessive and protective after all, not to mention that they are very loyal. You will never regret being with a Taurus man.

Something else to note about the Taurus man is that he is highly compatible with the Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces woman. If you are of any of these zodiac signs, then you can relax with the knowledge that half of your work is already done.

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